How to Plant Seeds 自家园艺乐无穷 Many people think that having a garden means you need lots of space and free time. However, that is not true. Growing a few plants in your home or on a window sill still counts as gardening. There are many reasons why gardening is a good hobby to d...
It is possible to plant pumpkin seeds outdoors after the probability of frost has gone and the soil’s temperature has been raised to at least 65 F. (18 C.). Consider that pumpkin plants develop faster in warmer climates than in cold climates. Make sure to mound the soil to a certain ...
How to Plant Cucumbers Sow 4 to 6 seeds 1 directly in the garden about 1 inch deep, 12 to 18 inches apart, in rows 4 feet apart. Cucumbers can also be planted in mounds (or “hills”) that are spaced 1 to 2 feet apart, with 2 to 3 seeds planted in each mound. Once plants re...
Growing Parsley - Plant Propagation This herb is grown from seed. Plants can be started indoors or out. We suggest you sow these tiny parsley seeds indoors and let them grow for a few weeks before planting them outdoors. They transplant easily. And, transplanting affords easy spacing. ...
With variable outdoor temperatures, seeds can take as long as 20 days to germinate. Make sure that the seeds remain moist and that the soil does not crust over. In cool spring and summer regions, plant celery in early spring. In warm spring and summer regions, plant celery in late summer...
Basil is a fast-growing herb, so using pots on the small or shallow side denies the roots the room they need to grow long moisture-and-nutrient highways the plant depends on for big, firm leaves (and more of them!). Unsuitably small pots will also dry out too rapidly in the sun, ...
Cut the cubes apart when the first sets of leaves have fully opened. Plant each cube in an individual pot containing potting soil. Place the seeds into the slots on top of the rockwood cubes. Mist the cubes periodically to keep them moist. ...
With its fragrant, resinous flowers and joyfulorange blooms, calendula is adelight in the garden. This fast-growing, laidback herb is so easy to grow that one planting may bring flowers and seeds for years to come. It is an eager annual that self-seeds without becoming invasive or overtaking...
An annual classified as an herb, it was first cultivated about four and a half millennia ago! The seeds’ coat color comes in various shades, from red, yellow, and beige to brown or black. The trumpet-shaped, pollinator-friendly flowers can be white, light pink, or light purple, and ar...
Be mindful when planting this herb, as it will take over your garden if the flowers are allowed to develop fully (the flowers scatter the seeds). However, this plant is easy to dig up and move if it does end up invading other parts of your garden. ...