Transplanting a rosemary start is very similar to planting vegetable seedlings. Once you have rooted cuttings or a developed plant from a nursery, you ca Choose Your Container or Garden Bed Rosemary can grow outdoors if you are in zone 7 or warmer. ...
Be mindful when planting this herb, as it will take over your garden if the flowers are allowed to develop fully (the flowers scatter the seeds). However, this plant is easy to dig up and move if it does end up invading other parts of your garden. ...
If you have a herb garden and haven’t taken advantage of drying your own herbs then perhaps now is the time to try it! There are many ways to approach this process, we’ve only brought you one, which is very DIY in the kitchen, but it is among the simplest methods. We got this ...
Plant lemon thyme in free-draining sandy soils with a pH ranging from 6.0 to 8.0. Amendheavy claygarden soils withcompostand horticultural grit to improve drainage. If the roots are left to sit in soggy water, they will begin to rot and ultimately kill the plant. ...
The chicks are the small trailing babies. The mature plant will release the new rosette to "live" on their own at the perfect time. Once they fall off from the hen plant simply pick them up, make a small hole in the dirt with your finger, and place the chick in the dirt alongside ...
2. DIY a herb plant container Make your own herb garden container from pretty upcycled objects with our tips forDIY garden planters. Pots, old sinks, wooden boxes, metal planters can all make good containers – the main thing is to just make sure it has good drainage so the water can es...
This pretty and flavorful herb garden staple can double as a low-growing groundcover. By Nadia Hassani Nadia Hassani Nadia Hassani is a gardening and food writer with more than two decades of hands-on gardening experience in vegetable and fruit gardening, landscaping with native plants, and garde...
How to Get the Most out of Your Herb Garden
Set transplants in the garden 2 to 3 weeks before the average last frost date when seedlings have 5 to 6 leaves. In cool spring and summer regions, plant celery in early spring. In warm spring and summer regions, plant celery in late summer plant celery for harvest in late autumn or ...
Herb Planting Calendar&Growing Guide Herbs are a great addition to the garden. Not only do they complement your home-grown veggies in the kitchen, they also make for excellentcompanion plantsin the garden itself. Click here to open an expanded version of this chart in a new tab:Growing Guide...