In the coming months, the plant will mostly devote its energy to growing roots, so you may not see a lot of growth on top. Typically, shrubs begin to grow vigorously in their second season; growth and flowering increase every season as long as conditions remain favorable. Your small ...
Hydrangeas are one of the most popular flowering shrubs to plant in gardens. They are easy to care for and provide a stunning pop of color. With awide assortment of varietiesranging in size, color, and bloom type, there is an option for every gardener!
How to Plant, Grow and Care For ‘Annabelle’ Hydrangea Thinking of adding an 'Annabelle" hydrangea to your garden, but aren't sure where to start? These beautiful flowering shrubs are easy to care for if they are provided proper growing conditions. In this article, gardening expert and hydr...
But if you suspect disease, Ball recommends waiting until the plant — and the disease — are in their dormant season. There’ll be less chance you’ll unwittingly spread the disease. How to Prune Flowering Shrubs If flowering shrubs haven’t been maintained regularly, they may need extensive...
Learn how to plant, grow, and prune your lilacs, one of the most carefree spring-flowering shrubs and provide a sweet, haunting fragrance, too!
Most viburnums aren’t self-pollinating and will need a little help to produce fruit. Plant 2 or 3 together for cross pollination to stimulate abundant production. Types of viburnum: There are many species of viburnum shrubs including Burkwood viburnum (V. x burkwoodii), David viburnum (V. ...
Learn how to successfully plant, grow, and care for landscape roses. These flowers are an easy way to add color to your landscape in beds, borders, or containers. See many types, including Oso Easy®, Reminiscent®, and Knock Out®.
How and When to Plant Flowering Almond Plant flowering almonds in spring. Dig a hole twice as wide as the root ball.The hole shouldn't be deeper than the size of the root ball. Rough the texture of the ground at the bottom of the hole so the roots absorb more water. Create a ridge...
Prune spring-flowering shrubsrightAFTERthey are done flowering. Why? The flowers bloom on last season’s growth (old wood), so if you wait to prune until too long after blooming, you will be removing stems that would have produced flowers next spring! Woody plants that bloom on old wood ...
Many gardeners grow flowers in raised beds so they can better control the soil quality, but you don’t have to call it quits if you don’t have the space or time to invest in raised beds of your own. You can tuck flowers between vegetables or shrubs, in pots and planters on the dec...