While tomatoes score pretty well on the EWGs list of the most pesticide-ridden produce, it's nice to know exactly what went into the production of your food, and you can't much more in control of it than picking it from your own yard! Learn how to plant tomatoes today. How To Plan...
首先,“How to plant tomatoes?” 意思是 “如何种植西红柿?”,它是一个引导性的问题,引出整个种植过程,所以排在第 1 号。 接着,种植西红柿第一步通常是准备种植的土壤,即“Put the soil in the plant pot.”,把土壤放进花盆里,排在第 2 号。 然后,在有土壤的基础上,要在土里挖个洞,“Dig a hole ...
Passage60 How to plant tomatoes(2024年浙江省温州市期末考试)In “New Class, New Fun", students learn many life skills and they try to help at home.They feel happy.“I can make dumplings, mooncakes and noodles now. I love this new class," says Betty. “The project is fun! From this ...
But to grow strong tomato plants and get a great yield, you need to know a few tricks. A lot depends on where you choose to plant tomatoes, how much sun they get, the temperature, humidity etc. Here you will find practical tips on planting tomatoes in different ways, whichtomato varieti...
To grow more tomatoes over the length of a season. To keep plant leaves and fruits off the ground and away from pests, insect damage, and fungal disease. To keep plants smaller and more compact. Allow tomatoes on the plant at the end of the season to ripen before the first frost.Best...
,Find a problem How to plant tomatoes?We need sccds sol plant pot wangc1. Dig( ) a hole in the sorl23.4How to plant5. Put your plant near a window for sunght(阳Draw picturcs or write down the changes Record and share6 days9 days20 days50 day任务一:本周要进行课后成果验收,看看大...
Like a tomato, plant young tomatillos deep. It’s okay, and even preferred, to bury a tomatillo transplant all the way up to the first set of true leaves.Deep planting encourages the rooting of tomatillos(and tomatoes) and provides a sturdy base for the young plant. ...
our favorites include ‘Black Cherry’, ‘Green Grape’, ‘Isis Candy’, ‘Sun Gold’, and ‘Sun Sugar’. For a medium-size slicer, ‘Early Girl’ also produces well nearly everywhere.6- Pick the perfect spot Try to avoid planting tomatoes in the same spot every year; disease...
Do not put plants in the ground too early. In most regions, the soil is not warm enough to plant tomatoes outdoors until late spring and early summer except in zone 10. So please keep that in mind. Buy Tomato Transplant: Now, another way to grow tomatoes is to start with a transplant...
Grow Your Own Tomatoes, from Store to Home Garden; How to Plant, Maintain Any Type of TomatoByline: Terry Brite DelValle Tomatoes are still the No. 1 plant grown by home gardeners in...By DelValleTerry Brite