Finally, it’s time to plant. Look for dwarf or low-growing plants that all have the same requirements for light, humidity, water, and temperature. Combine different sizes, shapes, colors, and leaf textures to make things interesting. Select plants that don’t mind wet foliage, such as mos...
closed end pointing up). Then use the hot glue gun to attach the glass container to the top of the plant pot, as demonstrated in the infographic. Finally, glue the pot lid to the top of the glass container.
Plant red herrings. Have the hero jump to false conclusions that lead her in the wrong direction, to make disastrous mistakes or fall into a trap. Have failures caused by misunderstandings or poor communication; Set the action within some greater conflict (cultural renaissance, political drama, ...
But it is important to remember that a seed is not an encounter. Just as a fir tree seed needs water and sunlight and plant food and… whatever plants need to grow, an encounter needs to be nurtured and cultivated to blossom into a beautiful flower. Tree. Whatever. You may think it ge...
- This is a military intelligence forecast regarding the global earth changes that will occur in the time frame of 2012-2050. It is given by a former intelligence officer. It reveals the deception behind the myth of global warming, and discusses the tr
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