A nursery is a business that propagates, grows, and sells young trees and shrubs. Some nurseries start plants from seed, and others start with seedlings or cuttings. Depending on the plant, season, and market, trees and shrubs can be sold at different ages. For example, a fruit tree can...
How to Use in Your Landscape Redbuds shine out singly as specimen plants or en masse. These understory trees are naturally found in woodland margins and are excellent companions to dogwood, oak, pine and elm. For a dramatic mass planting effect, create a small grove of redbuds along a wood...
Two summers ago, as I pondered how to address ground ivy(Glechoma hederacea)in the front yard, my husband stopped mowing there so the bees could feed on the plant’s early flowers and nest in the bare patches of soil between. By fall, when the ground ivy had continued to spread and I...
In this case, you want to plant your seedlings slightly closer than is normally recommended. Your goal is to have everything grow tightly together to make a tight grouping. Also, think about your composition as far as shading. Which direction will the afternoon sun be? Plant sun-loving plan...
. Keep the mix lightly moist until the seedlings have developed two pairs of leaves. At that point, transplant them into individual 4-inch pots filled with a mix of 1 part bonsai potting soil and 1 part miniature marble chips, the latter helping to provide the alkaline pH the plant ...
Part 3. Plant Selection Rabbit Attracting Plants Unfortunately for the home gardener, the list of plants rabbits enjoy is a long one. New seedlings of your annual vegetables are in particular danger, as rabbits love young tender edibles. Beans, peas, carrot tops, parsley, lettuce and spinach ...
A unique type of native dogwood(Cornus canadensis), also known as bunchberry, is a ground-hugger with white flowers that makes a good option. Hardy in zones 2 to 6, it is a native North American plant that is neither invasive nor toxic. ...