Choose a sunny to partially shaded site with amended, well-drained soil. How to plant: Bury the tuber-like rhizomes 3 to 4 inches deep in porous soil directly in the garden or in containers. For more on how to plant bulbs: Bulbs 101: Planting and Storing BulbsCALLA...
Amaryllis belladonna or Belladonna lily is what to ask for when looking for pink lady lily bulbs. It is also known as a naked lady or magic lily. Pink lady lilies are native to South Africa so they like a dry, hot climate. The stems of the plants grow up to 11/2 feet tall and th...
and are placed in a cold frame a couple of weeks before they are to be planted in the garden. The frame must be kept close for a few days; subsequently, free ventilation should be given to harden
Once the roots of the chilling bulbs begin to grow out of the drainage holes in the pots, or the new shoots begin to show at about twelve weeks, give the bulbs a gradual transition to warmth. Don't expose them to warm temperatures too soon or the blooms will emerge to fast and will...
Spring bulbs, such as daffodils, hyacinths, crocuses and tulips, are typically planted in the fall and bloom in the spring. However, to enjoy bulbs during different times of year, you have to plant them indoors and force them to bloom. Spring bulbs plant
How to Grow Indoor Plants - Guides by Plant Indoor gardening is a rewarding hobby. You can get a selection of seeds and bulbs that grow well in the shady conditions of your house this winter. Or, go to your local garden store and buy small plants. You can select among common houseplants...
Dahlias, Cannas, and Gladioli are some of the most popular summer-flowering perennials grown from bulbs. But they aren’t winter hardy in northern climates, so it’s necessary to bring them indoors in fall so you can replant them next spring. ...
Dahlias are often grown as annuals that are dug up and overwintered indoors, which is necessary in some climates and also enhances plant performance. Wait until the first frost of the fall to remove the tubers from the ground. Allow the tubers for dry for a day and dust them with a ...