They are easy to plant and maintain although the digging required can be a bit overwhelming if you do dozens in the Fall–but so worthwhile and you’re sure to appreciate the effort come Spring. Here are instructions and a few growing tips (even in pots!)… Choose bulbs that are plump ...
PLANTING BULBS WHEN TO PLANT BULBS Zones 4 to 7:In colder climates, spring-flowering bulbs can be planted as soon as the ground is cool, evening temperatures average 40° to 50°F, and it is at least 6 to 8 weeks before the ground freezes. If timed right, this should be as soon as...
A beautiful, fragrant plant, stocks deserve pride of place in any garden for their splashes of color and captivating scent. These great plants are easy to grow from seed and are always abuzz with pollinators. In this article, gardening expert Wendy Moulton shows you how to grow beautiful stoc...
Plant butterfly flower seeds in fall for early spring blooms. Butterfly flower is a hardy perennial throughout the United States. The plant goes dormant in early winter, re-emerging in spring. Seeds can be planted in spring or fall. If yousow your seeds in fall, they will bloom earlier ...
Plant amaryllis bulbs in a soil mix intended for potted plants for best results. Container soil mixes are generally lightweight. They allow for good drainage and have some nutrients to help encourage healthy roots, shoots, and blooms. Fill your container about halfway up with soil. Place the ...
forcing or container-growing from seed catalogs and nurseries. Just like with garden-planted bulbs, the time to plant bulbs indoors is 6 to 8 weeks before the first autumn frost date for your area. They require a period of dormancy before they will bloom in late winter or early spring. ...
A technique gaining in popularity is to plant spring-blooming bulbs in fall in the usual fashion, then install pansies in the same bed, right over the bulbs. The bulbs will emerge and bloom as usual in spring. When their flowers die down, the pansies will just be starting their spring bl...
Planting bulbs in the fall all but guarantees a beautiful garden come springtime. Here's how to plant bulbs both outside and inside, and the tools you'll need.
Dahlias grow from tubers, which are similar to bulbs. These tubers store energy for the plant and allow it to survive through the winter. Dahlias start growing in the spring and bloom in the summer, providing beautiful flowers for several weeks. ...
Where to plant: Choose a sunny to partially shaded site with amended, well-drained soil. How to plant: Bury the tuber-like rhizomes 3 to 4 inches deep in porous soil directly in the garden or in containers. For more on how to plant bulbs: Bulbs 101: Planting and Storing BulbsCALLA LIL...