Growing mums in hard, dry soil prevents the roots from becoming well established, while wet, boggy soil drowns the roots. Finding the middle ground is key.If you’ve planted other perennials, then you already know how to plant chrysanthemum. To create a good soil for your mums, work your...
If the mum is grown as aspraymum, this would indicate that the goal is for the plant to produce several flowers on any one single stem. Usually mum classes with smaller diameter blooms are grown as spray mums. Pot mumswould be those classes of mums utilized for the horticultural industry,...
Although chrysanthemums tend to be fall-related,the ideal time to plant is early spring. Spring planting allows the plant roots to develop and strengthen before winter, increasing the likelihood of long-lasting foliage. Mums planted in the fall can look gorgeous but are often considered annual bec...
, is a rewarding and enjoyable process. These vibrant and colorful flowers are a popular choice for fall and can bring beauty to any garden or indoor space. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced gardener, here are some essential tips on how to care for mums and how to plant them...
Hearty and colorful, hardy garden mums (Chrysanthemum × morifolium) top the list of flowers to add color to youroutdoor fall decor, and the care for mums is simple, making them a low-maintenance option. They're hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones ...
Read our lemon tree care guide for top tips on how to care for lemon trees in the UK. Advice on watering, feeding planting and the best locations to keep them.
In either case, plant them in spring to maximize chrysanthemum care. Key Takeaways Chrysanthemums prefer filtered light (6 hours daily). Mums adapt equally well to being planted in the yard or in pots. These flowers need elbow room – sow them 3 feet apart. For a bushier plant, pinch ...
How to Grow Flowers Plant CareIntroduction on How to Grow FlowersLearning how to grow flowers? Are you brushing up on your gardening knowledge? Do you want to become the best flower gardener you can be!? Without a doubt, we’ve gotcha covered. Gardening is a wonderful hobby. As a matter...
Chrysanthemums, also known as mums, are the star of fall gardens. They’re usually the last plant to bloom before frost, ushering your garden into the big sleep of winter with a last bang of color. There are many species of mums, hundreds of varieties and thousan...
Chrysanthemums, also known as mums, are the star of fall gardens. They’re usually the last plant to bloom before frost, ushering your garden into the big sleep of winter with a last bang of color. There are many species of mums, hundreds of varieties and thousands of hybrids, with blo...