To play online with your Xbox create a Microsoft account, then from there, set up your Xbox Series X/S console by subscribing to Xbox Game Pass for full online play.
To play a DVD on Xbox Series X, you will need to turn it on first. Sign-in to the primary account on the console if you have more than one user. This will only take a second due to Xbox Series X’s quick resume feature. Once the homepage appears on the screen, insert the DVD ...
Learn how to correctly position your Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One X, Xbox One S, original Xbox One, or Xbox 360 console for stability and ventilation. Things to keep in mind: Place the console on a stable surface. Do not place the console on speakers or subwoofers. Place ...
Knowing how to clean your Xbox Series X on the outside, inside, and on the fan will help to keep it in good condition and running smoothly
To install Xbox Series X games, you've got to insert a physical disc or download the digital version from the Microsoft store
如何修复 Xbox Series X 无法播放 DVD? 1.清洁并修复受污染的DVD DVD非常精致。 如果处理不当 放置指纹,划伤表面或 弯曲光盘,此光盘可能 无法播放。 除非您清洁并修复光盘,否则将光盘插入Xbox One不会发生任何事情。 2.检查地区代码 标记上的大多数DVD都标有地区代码, 例如, ...
In case you are looking for a way to connect Xbox Series X|S wireless controller to your iPhone or iPad, here’s the right place. On the step by step below, I’ll detail how you can easily pair the Xbox wireless controller to your iOS device. ...
If you have some games for your original Xbox stored somewhere in the boxes at your home and have an Xbox 360, you might be able to play some of them on your Xbox 360 console. Not all original Xbox games can be played on an Xbox 360, but some of them can
You may be surprised to learn that the Xbox Series X console didn't have many exclusive games at launch. However, the saving grace is that you can play all of the games featured on previous Xbox consoles, including the Xbox One, Xbox 360, and original Xbox. Here is how to get your o...
Head to the Profile and System menu (the one with your Xbox Avatar). Select Settings. Select Ease of Access > Controller > Button Remapping. How to Remap Your Xbox Series X Controller On this screen, you’ll see lots of different options, including the ability to swap the sticks, ...