【耳洞】自己在家打耳骨洞 HOW TO PIERCE YOUR CARTILAGE AT HOME 2088 -- 13:35 App 【穿洞】自己在家偷偷打鼻钉和耳洞 i pierced my NOSE & EARS behind my moms back 6101 -- 0:10 App 这是耳洞不是耳眼 7112 2 5:40 App 【唇钉】自己在家打唇钉+妈妈的反应 piercing my lip + my mums reaction...
In this tutorial, we learn how to pierce your lip and hide it. First, you will need to get a safety pin and clean it off with alcohol or antiseptic. From here, you will then mark the spot on your lip that you want to pierce. Once you have this lined up, you will need to numb...
Bring out that special look that expresses your true individuality. Give your identity a manicure with these hairstyle, makeup, tattoo, piercing and fashion tips. Watch how-to videos and learn how to tie a tie, pop a zit, extract a whitehead, remove bo
Effects: Your lip will swell, causing you to be the object of ridicule for a day. There are no speech problems but you will be very conscious of it for the first couple of months. You may bite on the piercing while chewing. Scar: May take time to heal. What are the symptoms of li...
You might be tempted to pair a vampy winter lip with powdered, matte skin or even a smoky eye, but it's actually much fresher and more modern to leave the rest of your face alone. "I find that keeping the eyes simple when doing a dark lip keeps things balanced," says makeup artist...
Like many of you, you are owner operators of your business. We are the main piercers in our business, and we pierce everyday. We have trained piercers over the years . . . but they always move on. This is the reason it is so hard for you to find apprenticeships . . . as a bu...
Pay attention to what your piercing looks like. If it's sore, red, or puffy or oozes yellowish liquid, you may have an infection. You may be developing ascarcalled a keloid if you see the skin around the piercing becoming raised. ...
but lying back to have your nipples pierced is totally glam. your piercer will wash up, put on gloves, and have sterile materials ready. any reputable piercer will also act sort of like a meditation teacher, helping you keep calm and instructing you to breathe as they pierce you. the actu...
Hard eye contact may be a precursor to aggression, where the eyes seem to “pierce” through you. It also can be a way for your dog to try to motivate you right now. For example, some dogs will start by giving you a hard stare if they want to go outside or need water in their...
"There's a certain balance that each of us has innately," says Pierce, "but when skin cells are exposed to UV light the veins and capillaries widen to accommodate immune cells on damage control; in these instances, we could get a false undertone reading." ...