I am a self-taught user of jalapenos. For years I had simply chopped without using gloves because it never crossed my mind that I would have scorched hands. Sure, I recently had a few occasions where I had minor burning after touching more sensitive skin, but it washed away fairly quickly...
First it was canning peaches with honey, and then my no-sugar canned pears, and now I’m becoming a green bean rebel. You see, I have an extreme aversion to two things when it comes to food preservation: Super intricate methods with seemingly unnecessary steps (Ain’t nobody got time ...
You will need 5 pounds (2.4 kilograms, 2400 grams) of vegetables and cabbage in your bowl.When making sauerkraut, it works best if you first prepare the flavoring ingredients – red onions and jalapenos in this case – then add as much sliced cabbage as necessary to hit 5 pounds (2.4 kil...