If you’re not great at getting to classes on time, living far away isn’t going to be your best choice. Alternatively, you might be someone who likes to have a life away from their studies, and to switch off the moment they get home from lectures. Another consideration when choosing t...
What can teachers do to support students who miss their grades on GCSE results day? Here’s a checklist of the options you can offer them
Comfortable seating – When selecting somewhere to study, it’s important for you to pick a place that has the right furniture to promote good posture for prolonged periods of time. Whether you’re using an ergonomic chair with the right back support, or even a standing desk, sitting upright...
In addition, parents have said that they love the idea, and that their children have appreciated the reminder that they are not the first students to go through the process of taking GCSEs. We will repeat this strategy next year and are considering ways to increase its efficacy. W...
If your school offers Philosophy it would be worth taking it; though it won’t be an advantage in applying (since not many schools offer it, it would put you at an unfair advantage), it will at least give you a feel for the subject and whether it’s something you’d like to pursue...
Two Six-Year-Olds Are Taught to Pass GCSEs. Now Parents Are Asking: How, and at What Cost?Terri Judd, Ben RussellJudith Judd
If you’re a fresh graduate or school-leaver you can put this section before your work experience. For school leavers, include your A-level subjects and for your GCSEs you only need mention Maths and English specifically. These are a bare minimum requirement for many employers. ...
It’s important to have back-up course choices in case you don’t get accepted on your first choice.You could start by exploring courses at the same university as your first pick. Carry out some research into the modules of each course, and you might find that another course shares ...
It’s the best way of preserving your carefully arranged CV layout. Pick the right filename: use the right filename for your CV. At all costs, avoid “CV.pdf,” your CV file will be impossible to identify and get lost with the thousands of others who made this mistake while creating...
For those using more advanced cameras like DSLRs or mirrorless models with interchangeable lenses, make sure to pick a lens in the 14-35mm range. This will provide a wide focal length that keeps all your subjects comfortably within the frame. Note that many standard kit lenses that come with...