In this course you will learn skills on how to fingerpick/play the guitar using the fingers of your right (plucking) hand. We will begin with learning how to effectively prepare the fingers on the strings and then go through a number of exercises that will further develop your skills. Ther...
Playing a string instrument isn’t fun if thetuningis off. Whenever you pick up your bass guitar to start playing, remember to ensure it is in tune. Most songs use the standard E-A-D-G tuning (going from the lowest to the highest string). You don’t need to worry aboutalternate tun...
One of the cons of learning the guitar is its looks. For example, a piano is a linear instrument, and it’s easy to connect notes tokeys. Also, the higher the key the higher the pitch… But the guitar is very different in that matter. You’ll have to get used to strings and fret...
Strumming Tip:A lot of newer guitar players have trouble keeping a grip on their pick when they strum, so it goes flying out of their hand. Be sure to experiment with how tightly you hold on to the pick. You need to hold on to it just tight enough so that it won’t go flying, ...
Picks are pretty inexpensive, and it might be good to purchase a variety and experiment with what feels right for you. Once you’ve got your picks, make sure your strumming hand is relaxed. Gently put your index finger and thumb together then close your other three fingers toward your palm...
and it can change from song to song. While I use a pick for most of my songs, there are a few in my repertoire that doesn't sound right to me unless I'm using my fingers to strum or pluck the strings instead of a pick. I also had to find the kind of guitar pick that worked...
Don’t miss this article about how to cut guitar strings if you want to find the best way that is safe for your guitar and easy to do!
Many guitarists prefer to strum chords with only their fingers. However, you can practice the D chord using a guitar pick. This gives you greater accuracy and control over which strings you play and which aren’t played at all. It takes many repetitions before you automatically start the D...
How To Strum Your Guitar With A Pick First and foremost, it’s important that you hold your pick correctly. There are different schools of thoughts on this, but for the most part I think it’s just variations on the same methodology. So, based on my experience, here’s what works. ...
A common problem beginners have is being able to stretch their fingers all the way across six strings and getting their ring finger squarely on the 1st string. As with most chord issues, the solution is to be patient and take it slow. ...