When searching for an infant daycare, look for a welcoming, clean environment with a good reputation, caring staff, and a top-notch curriculum. Do your research ahead of time and come prepared with questions to ask. Signs of a bad daycare include a not-great reputation and poor communication...
Start your own new and exciting career. My Daycare kit will help you to take your dream of starting a home daycare into a real daycare business – get started today!
Should You Buy a Daycare Franchise or Start Your Own Daycare? Whether you’ll purchase a franchise, an existing independent daycare, or start your own will affect what you need to do to open your daycare and how much it will cost. Primarily, you have the following three options: Buy a D...
These probiotics for children reduce respiratory tract infections, diarrhea, colic, and even tooth decay. Find out where to get it and how to use it.
Plan to protect your children.In case of an emergency during school hours, it might be necessary for someone else to pick up your kids. Double check that the school or daycare has the most up-to-date contact information for both you and other authorized adults/guardians on the pick-up lis...
Given that we live in an age of TV and movies, most of the metaphors we use to describe our lives come from those media. One might take a look at my building -- where neighbors offer to pick up groceries for each other, borrow cups of flour, and fold each other's clothes in the...
Our need to be needed. Our desire to nurture someone. Our desire to see that our work and love produces an effect – a child who loves us back. What we often do is keep a picture in our minds of our child and how they will fulfill these needs and desires for us. What happens whe...
7) A single parent who must work, and therefore leaves the child with a relative or daycare (bless y’all for being able to juggle everything). Being a single parent is the hardest job in the world. You've got to do what you've got to do. ...
A fever exceeding 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit in an infant 3 months old or younger Fever in a child aged 2 and above that lasts longer than 72 hours. Diagnosed strep throat that shows no improvement within 48 hours of antibiotic treatment
say is how it must be nice to have flexibility in my schedule. Itisnice, I admit. I spend Tuesdays and Thursdays with my one-year-old. Sometimes I go to Target in the middle of the day while he’s at daycare (casual flex). I rarely have meetings, and I can say no to projects....