Photographing a solar eclipse can be a life-changing experience. You may only get a few chances in your lifetime to view or photograph this celestial event, so you want to make sure you are well-prepared and practiced ahead of time. If your first run with your gear is the day of the...
Photographing an eclipse of the Sun is fun and easy. However, you will need to use a specialSolar Filterto protect your eyes and your camera. A solar eclipse occurs whenever the Moon's shadow falls on the Earth. This can only happen during New Moon when the Moon passes between the Sun...
After getting your solar filter in the mail, Duncan recommends users try out the app around the house with their phone before taking it outside to use the filter to photograph the Sun. While using the app on the Sun, users should look at the screen on the phone, not the Sun. The app...
Taking pictures of the Sun is difficult enough. Throw in a once-in-a-lifetime total solar eclipse and the challenge is multiplied.
Eclipses are rare, and total eclipses are often a once in a lifetime experience. Our guide will show you how to set up NightCap Camera on your iPhone or iPad to take a sequence of photos automatically, so you can focus on watching the eclipse and not the
Partial eclipses are boring to photograph directly with a long lens, typically with a solar filter in front of the lens, and a teleconverter. All you'll get are photos like everyone else's, which are little slivers looking like this:Partial Solar Eclipse (moon partially covering sun). Shot...
The same techniques for observing the Sun outside of eclipses are used to view and photograph annular solar eclipses and the partly eclipsed Sun [Sherrod, 1981; Pasachoff & Menzel 1992; Pasachoff & Covington, 1993; Reynolds & Sweetsir, 1995]. The safest and most inexpensive method is by ...
If you’re lucky enough to catch one, odds are you’re going to want to snap a few photos of the rare astronomical phenomenon — but this can be easier said than done. Here’s how to photograph a solar eclipse, from gear choice to safety — for you and your camera. ...
MORE: How to make a pinhole projector with a cereal box to safely view an image of the solar eclipse It's a phenomenon that almost every viewer will want to capture in a photograph, but it may be difficult to figure out what's the best gear to use o...
Though both Chidley and Moussette advise against using phones to photograph the eclipse, they acknowledge that people will probably try anyway and recommend taking precautions. During the partial phase of the eclipse as the moon crosses the sun, you'll need to use a so...