英语翻译ECG (electrocardiogram) is a test that measures the electrical activity of the heart.The heart is a muscular organ that beats in rhythm to pump the blood through the body.The signals that make the heart's muscle fibres contract come from the sino
ECG and comaECG and primary CNS disordersECG in toxic deliriumsinoatrial (SA) nodeSummary This chapter contains sections titled: Case presentations The ECG in the patient with altered mental status The ECG and coma The ECG and primary CNS disorders The ECG in toxic delirium Case conclusions ...
An electrode is the terminal of a semiconducting appliance that an electric current passes intermediate metallic and nonmetallic portions of an electric current. It has the capacity to hold the spillage quantity of electric energy that is stored in a particular body....
Characteristic ECG traces, such as Wellens syndrome and De Winter T-waves, should be understood. Therefore, troponin levels in all patients with suspected ischemic heart disease should be examined using a highly sensitive assay system. Depending on the ED facility, the patient should be risk ...
Wolff‐Parkinson‐White syndromeCase presentationsThe ECG in the patient with syncopeCardiac etiologies of syncopeStructural cardiac diseaseCase conclusionsReferencesAdditional recommended readingdoi:10.1002/9781444303551.ch7Christopher T. BoweWiley‐Blackwell...
Healthcare professionals worldwide rely on highly accurate patient monitors to improve their quality of care. These monitors measure five vital signs of patients that include ECG, SpO2, non-invasive blood pressure (NIBP), temperature, and respiration. Patient monitors d...
First, the system could identify COVID-19 patients whose conditions were worsening, so they could be transferred if required.In one case, specialists were able to identify that a patient's condition was getting worse after remotely examining three separate chest CT scans on February 2, 4, and...
You will be prompted to place a set of adhesive electrode pads on the victim's bare chest and, if necessary, to plug in the pads' connector to the AED. The AED will then begin to automatically analyze the person's ECG rhythm to determine if a shock is required. It is critical that ...
Modern operating room monitors can automate ST segment monitoring and be set to alarm if changes occur. Increases in central venous pressure and pulmonary artery pressure can be caused by myocardial ischemia, but have been shown to be very insensitive compared to ECG. Also, detection of these ...
A suite of sensors, such as 1-lead ECG, SPO2, temperature, BP, and weight scale, that can be used by the patients at home and transmit their vital signs and other measurements to the cloud in real-time. Portals and Smartphone Apps ...