This article provides steps for performing CPR on an adult, child, or baby. It also describes how rescue breathing is done and how to use an AED. When to Do CPR Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is used on someone with cardiac arrest. This is when the heart stops beating, causing the ...
音乐视频:How to perform CPR on adults 成人体外心肺复苏
Guidance on how to perform CPR on adults If the AED equipment is accessible immediately, apply AED and deliver the first AED shock immediately. Every minute matters, and the chance of survival decreases approximately 10% with every minute defibrillation is delayed.[3][5]Here are somesteps ...
In this cardiac section of your professional first aid course, you’ll learn how to perform CPR on adults, children, and infants or babies. You’ll also learn how to use an AED on adults, children, and infants. You’ll also find lessons on agonal breathing, which isn’t normal breathing...
The way you perform CPR differs slightly depending on whether the individual is an adult, a child, or an infant. Below, we will focus on the steps you need to take in all three instances. CPR steps for adults 1. Call 999 (or your national emergency number) Assess your surroundings to ...
1. Check the scene for safety and put on any personal protective equipment, such as a mask. Make sure the area is safe to perform CPR before you start.Liza Evseeva / TODAY Illustrations 2. If the person appears unresponsive, check for breathing, bleeding and other life-threatening conditions...
根据文章第四段中的 "If people nearby can perform CPR (心肺复苏) and use AEDs (自动体外除颤器) within four minutes of a heart attack, the patient's chances of surviving sudden cardiac arrest can be greatly improved 如果附近的人能够在心脏病发作后4分钟内实施CPR并使用AEDs,那么心脏骤停患者的...
Learn how to perform CPR on children and adults. Learn how to swim and teach your child how to swim. Keepchildrenaway from pool drains, pipes and other openings to avoid entrapments. Make sure the pool or spa you use has drain covers that comply with federal safety standards. Ask your ...
When performing Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) on adults, the typical hand position is in the center of the chest just below the nipples. Of course, that position is questioned when CPR is performed on women who has breast of different sizes. In fact, on some overweight men, placing the...
First off, it’s important to establish when it’s appropriate to perform CPR on an infant. The Cliff’s Notes calculation is, according to the American Heart Association: If the child is unresponsive, plus no breathing or only gasping, you should provide CPR. ...