SPSS Statistics v27 was launched in June 2020 with the biggest change compared to v26 being the inclusion of Data Preparation and Bootstrapping as standard functionality, as part of the SPSS Base module. This post will take a high-level look at these changes plus cover off the key enhancemen...
As competition for gaining high-profit margins and survival among organizations (in the situation caused by COVID-19) grows, the number of business scandals or unethical pro-organizational behavior (UPOB) increases simultaneously. The current study inves
How to perform logistic regression in SPSS? Define a model. Give two reasons why a model is useful to a statistician and one reason why a model is of limited use? When clustering data, it is important to normalize the variables so that they are all ...
Adding Survey Weights and Bootstrapping Long whitespace after a string? How to detect it? Function "funcit" not work Help with multiple sample t-tests Need help calculating percent of production by source by 2018 for each continent Error: Fehler: Mapping should be created with `aes...
To see an alternative to traditional hypothesis testing that does not use probability distributions and test statistics, learn aboutbootstrapping in statistics! Note: I wrote a different version of this post that appeared elsewhere. I’ve completely rewritten and updated it for my blog site. ...
A cross-case assessment based on Henseler's bootstrap-based multigroup analysis reveals that although the preference for the interview livestreaming marketing format is lower, it is more efficient in attracting consumer engagement than the tutorial and behind-the-scenes livestreaming marketing formats....
Subsequently, a mediation analysis was conducted through bootstrapping tests with 5000 replications and 95% confidence intervals. Results indicated that when the desirability sharing intention was the dependent variable, eudaimonia significantly mediated the relationship between tourism activity type and ...
Standardized estimates were reported; SE = Standard error; CI = confidence interval (95% percentile obtained from 5,000 bootstrapping for the indirect effects); IL= Inclusive leadership; SU = Strengths use; WE = Work engagement; TP = Task performance Source(s): Authors’ work Download: ...
The bootstrapping result indicated that the indirect effect of brand symbolism on the policing and helping of other customers through PSQ is statistically significant (β = 0.08, 95% CI [0.02, 0.14]; β = 0.13, 95% CI [0.07, 0.18], respectively), thus supporting Hypothesis 4. Further, ...
Note: Numbers in the blue circles represent R2. Table 6. Structural parameter estimates. In addition to examining the direct impact of SMMAs on PUR, WPP, and e-WoM, the results of PLS-SEM with bootstrapping technique emphasized that PV significantly positively mediated the relationship ...