P90090. How to Answer Have you been to California Use the Present Perfect with Go N 03:53 P91091. Write Well in English - How to use However, In Contrast, On the Other Hand 04:30 P92092. Don't be Shy! How to Start a Conversation with Anyone in English 03:58 P93093. How to ...
P1022017-01-18 What to say when you meet someone for the first time - Small Talk in 21:49 P1032017-01-19 Fun with phrasal verbs in English - Speak English with Christina 18:03 P1042017-01-20 Past simple vs Present perfect simple - Speak English with Christina 19:52 P1052017-01-24...
Thetongueneedstobeinthatperfectplacetocreatethatnicetensestrongsound.舌头需要处在那个完美的位置,才能发出优美、紧张、有力的声音。'r'.“r”。Itisstrong, notbecauseI'minvestingalotofenergy, justbecausemytonguehasclickedtotherightposition.它很强壮,不是因为我投入了很多精力,只是因为我的舌头已经到达了正确...
we’re going over rule 3 for the ED ending verbs. Don’t worry, if you missed one or two, you will not be lost here. These are the words where the ED ending adds not just an extra sound, but a full extra syllable. We’re going to make sure that ...
There will be phrases that make you sound like you have an accent, figure out what they are and work on perfecting them. Tone How do you feel when you listen to another language? Do the people speaking it “sound angrier” or “softer” than in your native language? What’s the ...
I'm hello, nice to meet you too. Your accent sounds American. Are you from America. No, I'm from Canada. Where are you from. I'm from New Zealand. Do you work there in London? Yes, I work in a lawyer's office. What about you? I'm a student here. International business ...
32.wanttoinviteotherstudents 33.gotobedverylate 34.getbadmarks35.leaveone’shomeworkathome36.understandTVprogrammes37.ontheInternet38.forexample 39.answerthequestions 40.makealist 41.Howaboutlisteningtotheradio?42.Whydon’tyouwritedownthecorrectwords?43.YoushouldalwaysspeakEnglishinanEnglishclass.44.It...
Awesome how to post. Reply Meredith H says: 04.29.2015 at 7:52 am So Trader Joes has these “rainbow carrots” … whole carrots in four different colors that may not be as fresh as right out of the ground … but thinking they would be perfect for this recipe! I love buying them,...
7.D.细节理解题.根据第二部分Learn the pronunciation of English words中的内容可知Perfect Pronunciation是Antimoon发明的适用于电脑打字的一个软件,它可以教我们怎样发音.文章未提到D项内容.故选D.8.B.细节理解题.根据最后一段Which one should you choose?Probably the kind that you like the most.可知,选择...
The way that native English speakers speak is just not perfect.You won't hear a sentence where each word is perfectly separated. Well, unless you're talking to Siri.英语母语者说话的方式并非是完美的。每一个单词都完美分割的句子根本是听不到的。呃,除非你在和Siri聊天。Hey Siri, how old are ...