If you have a side job, be sure to pay your income tax throughout the year. Don't wait until tax season. You'll need to pay taxes directly to the IRS via quarterly estimated tax payments.
For those who don’t want to travel far away or queue in long lines to pay taxes, you can pay your BIR Taxes Online in the Philippines.
EFTPS:similar to Direct Pay, the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS) requires a registered account and IRS verification to use. Businesses should use EFTPS to pay taxes online. Note: accounts can take weeks to be verified and used the first time, so you’ll need to plan ahead, a...
Pay When You File If you’re filing your taxes online, you’ll be told how much you owe at the end of the filing process. And in almost every case, the filing software that you use will allow you to set up an automatic withdrawal to cover your tax shortage at the same time. These...
As I’ve highlighted, you canpay your taxes onlinein 5 different ways – one of which is to pay via credit or debit card. Paying your taxes online is the preferred method of paying taxes, for the reasons I highlighted in that post. ...
As an employer, there are a number of federal taxes you need to pay that relate to your employees.
you are still required to file a U.S. tax return and report your worldwide income to the IRS. While you may qualify for certain exclusions or credits, such as the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion or the Foreign Tax Credit, your obligation to report and potentially pay taxes remains, regardle...
The IRS offers a series of directions on its website to help US citizens figure out their taxes. Here’s a rundown of what’s available and where you can find it.
Self-employed taxpayers likely need to pay quarterly tax payments and meet key IRS deadlines. Here’s a closer look at how quarterly taxes work and what you need to know when filing your tax returns.
How to pay taxes as a freelancer Freelancers must understand what they need to pay and what they can deduct. The following freelance tax best practices can ensure you follow the rules and don’t experience a tax audit. 1. Understand the basics of freelance taxes. As a freelancer, you may...