You cannot send money to someone with a credit card. It only works if they have the ability to accept credit cards and individuals are not likely to have that capability. What you may be asking about is Apple Cash, not the Apple Credit Card. If the person you want to pay has an iPho...
How to pay with Apple Card You can pay with Apple Card using Apple Pay on your iPhone, iPad, Apple Vision Pro, Apple Watch, or Mac.Learn how to add Apple Card to your devices. In places where Apple Pay isn't accepted, you can use your titanium card or virtual card number. ...
However, in order to get this option, you will need to do one more thing—set up Apple Cash. This is essentially a cash wallet within your Apple Wallet. You can fund this wallet and also get payments sent to you by others with Apple Pay. Please note that all recipients of your paymen...
If you’re an Apple device owner, using Apple Pay to pay individuals is a useful tool. Here’s how to send someone money using Apple Pay. With Apple Pay, you can make purchases online (through the web and supported apps) and at physical retail stores using supported Apple devices, includ...
If you need help applying for Apple Card,contact an Apple Card Specialist at Goldman Sachs. If you apply online, use a supported browser. To access and use all Apple Card features, you need to add Apple Card to an eligible iPhone or iPad that you own with the latest version of iOS or...
Apple has updated the details of how to pay monthly for products with Apple Card, by specifying the steps purchasers need to go through to get interest-free terms.
It's not the best part of owning a credit card, but since we have to pay them off, Apple has made the process remarkably fast and easy for Apple Card payments.
Jul 17, 2021 6:15 PM in response to Applekayk You can’t. You can only pay with an electronic transfer from a bank account. As you have checks you have a checking account, so you can pay from that account either from the Wallet app or by logging in to
Most Apple Card users will pay the card using the Wallet app on iPhone. If you do not have your iPhone available, you can also: Pay with an iPadthat is using the same Apple ID. Payonline using any browseron any device, such as a Mac, PC or Android device. Go
Make payments easily with Apple Pay. Learn how to set up Apple Pay with your eligible TD Credit Card or TD Access Card on all your compatible devices.