Debt becomes more difficult as it multiplies. A credit card or two. A personal loan. A car lease. HECS-HELP debt. An ATO tax debt. With each new obligation,debtcan become this all-consuming massive thing with many moving parts. Because there’s always something due, there’s no room t...
This means that borrowers with HECS debt may be eligible for a smaller loan amount compared to someone without HECS debt. Find out more here. How to increase borrowing power One of the key factors that determine your borrowing power is your credit score. A high credit score indicates good ...
"Two kids under three. Mortgage of $370K and HECS debt of around $50K. Have $35K in savings. Should be able to pump that hard when my wife goes back to work." —u/HandyDandyRandyAndy 3. Couple, 36, combined income of $250K, $90K in savings. "I'm 36, married with a child....