We measure natural gas by volume converted to a measure of energy. The metric standard for energy content is joules (J). Your bill is based on the amount of energy you use, measured in gigajoules or a billion joules.
What you’re keepin’ to yourself; why you in such a hurry, nervous? I know what it means to hide. Lithium, this’ll morals. Nine more lithium! We gotta lift, now that once makes you sleep. My sweet swan. Look at him go, to the lake, the ancient lake. There we are. He’s ...
How to make a paper boat sculpture.(Cover story)Crummy, AndrewMurphy, YvonneMawdsley, Joanna
Another highlight of the said event was a series of short talks called Radical Openness on effective strategies for making successful client presentations.AngearBridgetMawdsleyCraigCampaign (UK)