Make sure to have a printed copy of your return ticket with you for the visa on arrival in Bangladesh. They started implementing it strictly now. You’ll be in trouble if you do not have a printed copy of your return ticket, along with your other documents like an invitation letter, hot...
In this article, we will demonstrate different methods to calculateIncome Tax on Salary. To illustrate our methods, we’ll use the following sample dataset that containsEmployee Name,Gross Salary,andTaxable Incomefor different employees. Example 1 – Using Generic Formula The simplest way tocalculate...
Hello I am Bangladeshi.. if would like invest Malaysian stock Market is it possible to invest .if yes please let me know the procedure. BR Murshed Reply Ian Tai says: August 22, 2019 at 5:07 pm It depends where you are now physically. If you are in Malaysia and are working, you...
Grabpay KCP Credit Card PayU Rupay UPI Please note that if you choose to make a payment with Visa, MasterCard, American Express, JCB, Diners Club, or Discover, you may be required to enter your personal password on a secure page for authentication in order to ...
Looking for a better solution We discuss here how to register a company in Bangladesh Save your time and money
Wagestreamis a similar example, their financial health platform for employees includes an Earned Wage Access product (the ability to access earned pay at any point in the month) which is cheaper than alternative forms of finance. The traditional unsecured lending model relies on an approach to ris...
When you need to choose the best popunder network, the answer is never clear: this or that. As a rule, to understand which of the networks is the best for a particular offer, you need to test. But besides this, you now know what important parameters to pay attention to before starting...
Bangladesh has no “Lower Secondary” school and goes straight from Primary to [Upper] Secondary. If your country (not just your town) does not have Lower Secondary Schooling, then fill in “n/a” for the name and explain in the Remarks line that your country does not have Lower Secondary...
Websites targeting these countries will earn less per 1000 page views compared to Tier 1 countries but can still generate significant revenue with high traffic volumes. Tier 3 Countries The ad revenue from Tier 3 countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, etc, is generally lower due to lower CPC and...
We also maintain offices or have alliance partners assisting foreign investors in China, Hong Kong SAR, Dubai (UAE), Indonesia, Singapore, Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Bangladesh, Italy, Germany, the United States, and Australia. Previous Article Vietnam’s Draft Excise Tax Law: Implications ...