Repaying loans advanced by a public institution should not be an extra burden for the unemployed. Imposing penalties on jobless graduates amounts to double jeopardy. It is equal to punishing them for failing to get employment. Helb was formed to help youths achieve their dreams. It...
Even College and University students are required to apply for the KRA iTax Pin in order to be advanced theHELB loan. He/she is also obligated to file back the KRA itax returns every year. To file back KRA iTax Returns every year is a right and an obligation of every adult citizen in ...
This is one big mistake most job seekers make. Especially graduates, after graduating from college, you a Helb loan to pay that is already driving you nuts. All you need at that point is just money and nothing else matters. When finding a job you truly love, this doesn’t apply at all...
When you successfully submit your information, iTax Portal will display, “Registration Application has been Submitted Successfully” Your new PIN will be displayed on the screen and you will also be to see a link labeled “Click here to download PIN certificate” that will allow you to download...
Working with Microsoft partner CGI, sensors were installed on all of HelB’s 400 buses to measure acceleration, speed, engine temperature, fuel consumption, brake performance and GPS location. The smart analysis of all this data has turned insight into action, resulting in reduced fuel consumption...
we have not laid off any staff. We have decided to do the best we can by cutting the costs where we can, but we have so far kept all our staff on the payroll. What we have done is encourage our staff to take leave, but we still continue to pay them because m...