How to Register a Trademark and Patent a Business Name A trademark or service mark includes any word, name, symbol, device, or any combination, used or intended to be used to identify and distinguish the goods/services of one seller or provider, and to indicate the source of the goods or...
Before you get too attached to your chosen name, check theU.S. Patent and Trademark Officeas well as your state's business registration database to make sure the name hasn't already been registered by another business owner. If your name (or one extremely similar to it) is trademarked, ...
How do I trademark a name and logo? Research your mark to make sure it is not already in use. Apply for the trademark with the United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO). Draft your application and submit it to the USPTO.
It’s great for consumers to remember your name, but only if they can easily recall it. Find LLC business names online to get an idea. Set Yourself Apart from Competitors When choosing a business name for your company, analyze other businesses within your market. If you select an entity na...
While you're at it, consider trademarking your own business name, logo, or other aspects of your company. 5. Use an online business formation service LegalZoom offersbusiness formation servicesto help cover all your bases. We manage every stage of the process, such as running a business entit...
Registering a trademark takes some time, but it is worth it for the longevity and legal protection of your business. This article tells you what you need to do.
business name, product name, trade name or brand, you’ll need to file that with theUS Patent and Trademark Office. You can use the United States Patent and Trademark Office website to find your local trademark office. You will not be able to choose a trade name that is already in use...
Your brand is your company’s identity, so it’s critical to secure it with a trademark, which prevents someone from improperly using your business name or branding. To get a trademark, you’ll need to file an application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). However,...
Trademark Search: A trademark protects your business name from being used by others in your industry. Conduct a thorough search on the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) database or other relevant trademark registries to ensure your chosen name still needs to be trademarked. Test ...
3. Brainstorm business name ideas Once you’ve pondered what the name should convey, and you have possible styles in mind, it’s brain dump time. You start a spreadsheet with a new row for every name possibility. It’s easy to cut, paste, or reorder. Or you might prefer Post-it no...