3. Make a prototype of your invention when filing a patent 4. Prepare your patent application and understand the cost, patent type, and possible provisional patent 5. Filing your patent application to obtain the actual patent that protects your invention or design What is a Patent? First, to...
your invention should be completely finished and have a working, testedprototypebecause your patent must be based on what your invention is and modifications after the fact require another patent. This is also beneficial to your long-term business plan because, with a finished invention in hand, ...
You don't have to pass the bar exam or become a patent attorney to knowhow to patent an idea. Learn to answer these three questions and you will be well on your way to identifying your inventions, using legal research to create a plan, and turning your inventions into your income. 1....
1. Determine if patent protection is appropriateIf you want to protect a creative work, seek a copyright; for brand names, logos, or slogans, apply for trademarks. If you want to protect an invention, a physical product, or a design, patent protection is the right route....
You may want to considerhow to Design Patenta new idea.Design Patents can help provide the kind of protection that inventors need to protect their idea while it is promoted to corporations. United Patent Research is a research and development firm thatreviews innovative ideasdaily. They also part...
to “I’ve got a patent”? Here are seven steps to make it happen: Document your idea. Start by writing down every detail, including its purpose, design and how it works. Conduct a patent search. Research existing patents to confirm your idea is original. You can do this yourself using...
Learn how to get a patent step by step, from eligibility and filing to enforcement. Protect your invention with expert tips and legal guidance from UpCounsel.
Without filing a patent on your design, you may run the risk of a copycat design being used by competitors. How a Design Patent Works An item or object that is protected by a design patent carries broad protection fromcopyright infringement. A design that was not intended to be a copy an...
“Whenever you find there is a potential infringement of your design patent, take time to collect the evidence, and seek professional advice.”Wang Di The event was moderated byGuilherme Campos, CICC IPWG Vice Coordinator & International Business Manager at Dezan Shira Associates Limited (Shenzhen)...
Design Patent:It is equipped to protect the new, original, and ornamental design of already existing or new products. Just the way a utility patent protects the knowledge of new machines, a design patent safeguards the look of a product....