In this quick guide, we will be showing you how to copy and paste within the terminal on Ubuntu. When you are new to using the terminal on Ubuntu, you may be unaware of how to copy and paste from the terminal. LATEST VIDEOS Knowing how to copy and paste from the terminal will help...
First, you need to install the “Fingerprint-GUI” utility on your Ubuntu system. To do it follow the steps. Open the Terminal, copy the command and paste in the terminal $sudo add-apt-repository ppa:fingerprint/fingerprint-guiCopy Add Repository The above command adds a repository on your ...
It’s not at all complicated.Open a terminal using the Ctrl+Alt+T shortcutor search for it in the menu. All you need is to copy and paste the command below into the terminal. gsettings set click-action 'minimize' No need to restart your system o...
In this blog post, we are going to explain in step-by-step detail on how to installBugzilla on Ubuntu 20.04. Bugzilla is an open-source web-based bug tracking system written in Perl. This testing tool is developed and maintained by the Mozilla project, and the team of developers is still...
On the desktop variant of Ubuntu, this is as simple as opening up the file explorer, clicking a file, and pressing CTRL + C to copy and then CTRL + V to paste. Copying and pasting using the terminal on Ubuntu isn’t any more complicated than on the desktop. In fact, copying is all...
To configure VNC to use GNOME , create a new~/.vnc/xstartupfile, or edit the existing one and paste in the following: #!/bin/sh /usr/bin/gnome-session Make the file executable in case it isn’t already: chmod +x ~/.vnc/xstartup ...
To copy a text or line of code from the browser, you can use the generic CTRL + C combination or CTRL + SHIFT + C. Then, to paste this line of code into the terminal, you need to use CTRL + SHIFT + V keys. You have to use these key combinations in Ubuntu to perform copy and...
How to copy and paste text and commands in the Linux terminal There are several ways to do this. Method 1: Using keyboard shortcuts for copy-pasting in the terminal On Ubuntu and many other Linux distributions, you can useCtrl+InsertorCtrl+shift+Cfor copying text andShift+InsertorCtrl+shif...
1. Right-click on the image you want to copy, and click the “Copy image” sub-option under the “CopyPaste Images” option menu. 2. In the image editor window (GIMP in my case), just select the “Paste” option from the menu (or press “Ctrl + V”). ...
1. Create a file in the webroot directorywith the following command: sudo nano /var/www/html/info.phpCopy 2. Inside the file, paste the following PHP code: <?php phpinfo (); ?>Copy 3. PressCTRL + Xto save and close the file. PressyandENTERto confirm. ...