Hai All I am a newbie on ADF and learning bit by bit. Made a flow which works fine when I hard-code values. But I want the dataflow to be re-used over and over again, whereby the value of the parameters differ. So I want to give the…
Irrespective, if your ask is how to pass ADF variables value to Web activity POST/PUT Body request, then below is sample how you have to configure your POST Body : JSON {"DataFactoryName":"@{pipeline().DataFactory}","PipelineName":"@{pipeline().Pipeline}","Subject":"@{variable...
Hi everyone! In my application i have two ESP32 WROVER. One in Sink mode and the other is the Source. The Source is able to startup, connect and stream the music. It's OK. But at the end of the current file i need to go to the next track...
ADF Pipeline can be triggered based on external event or scheduled on definite frequency. Created a lookup table so multiple threads of the pipeline can be executed. ADF copy activity will have Db2 connector as source to get data from Db2 and Azure SQL DB...
Currently, I'm trying to add audio resampling library into ADF. As I can see, for standard elements in the pipeline, all you need is to declare input/processing/output, connect them into pipeline and start the loop. But I need to get audio samples from AUX input, resample and output th...
A Bridge has a special meaning for any Architecture… We say, Enterprise/Solution Architecture (in general) is bridging the gap between business and technology, but
You can use data factory or synapse pipeline for it. Pipeline->Activities->General->Scriptmeets ...
Sink: Staging area in Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2. Data Flow Activity: Parameters: Pass the file name to the data flow. Data Flow Source Transformation: Source: Staging area in Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2. (can't use pipeline lookup as the data inside it is ...
“Show me current year to date vs. prior year to date sales figures for all sales orgs”. This can be accomplished in a number of ways, many of which have been explored in the following blog posts. Implementation of WTD, MTD, YTD in HANA using Input Parameters only Implementation of ...
Parameters The screenshot shows how to pass the Pipeline Run Id to the data flow. ADF Pipeline Debug Run the pipeline debug to ensure the end-to-end process completes and the output is stored in the database. Use your favour SQL Editor to check the result! Summary With the power of ...