For a start, all you get, besides however much money they offer, is this worthless fluff-content that only exists to link to some site that frequently hasnothing to dowiththe siteon which the fluff appears. More importantly, if Google notice you're engaging inlink-buying schemes- or have ...
after all, the real webvertisement. Each site is an ad in its own right. There is simply not enough time to tell an entire story in a banner. Netizens don't like banners and will not spend more than two seconds (if that) to look at one. Banner ads are created to dr...
however, the disk encryption has to be enabled explicitly by the user. Even if you are not using BitLocker, its context menu options are always visible in the drive's context menu in File Explorer. Here is how to hide BitLocker-related context menu ...
If you add ".png" to the location, the service will return a PNG image. You can embed it in your web page. For example, open this link: When in PNG mode, you can pass parameters as follows: For example: