Paraphrase Definition The word “paraphrase” has two definitions, depending on the part of speech it represents in the sentence. As a verb, “to paraphrase” means “to express the meaning of the writer or speaker (or something written or spoken) using different words, especially to achieve ...
How do we paraphrase? There are many techniques we can use,but essentially paraphrasing can involve three main features: 1.Changing word class(e.g. verbs to nouns) 2.Changing vocabulary(e.g. using synonyms) 3.Changing grammatical structure / word order(e.g. cause and effect;active to passi...
Only included the information that’s relevant to our argument (note that the paraphrase is shorter than the original) Introduced the information with thesignal phrase“Scientists believe that …” Retained key terms like “development and pollution,” since changing them could alter the meaning ...
How to paraphrase the word “healthy” in “healthy disagreements”? 参考答案:Reasonable. 点击查看答案
To integrate a source, it’s often best to paraphrase, which means putting the passage in your own words. This helps you integrate information smoothly and keeps your own voice dominant. However, there are some situations in which quoting is more appropriate. When focusing on language If you ...
6StepstoEffectiveParaphrasing •Rereadtheoriginalpassageuntilyouunderstanditsfullmeaning.•Settheoriginalaside,andwriteyourparaphraseonanotecard.•Jotdownafewwordsbelowyourparaphrasetoremindyoulaterhowyouenvisionusingthismaterial.Atthetopofthenotecard,writeakeywordorphrasetoindicatethesubjectofyourparaphrase.•...
paraphrasetoremindyoulaterhow youenvisionusingthismaterial.At thetopofthenotecard,writeakey wordorphrasetoindicatethesubject ofyourparaphrase. 第4页/共23页 6StepstoEffectiveParaphrasing •4.Checkyourrenditionwiththeoriginaltomakesure thatyourversionaccuratelyexpressesalltheessential informationinanewform. •...
How to Handle It First, try to discover if it’s really a lack of time, or if it’s something else. Using the general sales objection process above, the interaction might go like this: “I’m sorry, I just don’t have time to talk to you today.” ...
To paraphrase author Stephen R. Covey, “Don’t listen to reply, but rather listen to understand.” Put listening amongst your resume communication skills if you feel like it. Reflection When people communicate with you, they don’t want to talk to a wall (otherwise, they… could literally...
Whether you are preparing learners to write research papers or to take theIELTS Writing Test, paraphrasing is an important skill; however, the task of taking a long sentence with elevated vocabulary and trying to reword it can be overwhelming. Furthermore, students who attempt to paraphrase and...