When should you paraphrase versus quote? While you use your own phrasing in paraphrasing, when you quote something, you transcribe someone else’s words exactly, placing the text in quotation marks so the reader knows they are someone else’s words. Both paraphrasing and direct quotes require ci...
When paraphrasing, you have to be careful to avoid accidental plagiarism. This can happen if the paraphrase is too similar to the original quote, with phrases or whole sentences that are identical (and should therefore be in quotation marks). It can also happen if you fail to properly cite ...
Quote = Accuracy Paraphrase Paraphrasing Examples We’re big believers in learning by doing, so let’s take a look at some examples of paraphrasing. Seeing the process in action will help you understand how it works. Input If you’re going to South America, you’ve got to check out Brazil...
Here’s an example of hownotto paraphrase: Original source: Residents expressed concern that there are too many fun things to do in town. With so many activities and first-class restaurants, they worried they would never be able to focus on work. ...
Quotations, paraphrases, and summaries serve many purposes. You might use them to:•Provide support for claims or add credibility to your writing;•Refer to work that leads up to the work you are now doing;•Give examples of several points of view on a subject;•Call attention to a...
To get a better idea of summarizing, paraphrasing, and quoting, read a short argumentative article concerned with the debate on fast food regulation by Radley Balko. Therefore, you will have a chance to observe actual summary example, paraphrase example and quote example based on one text!
(Lester, James D. Writing Research Papers. 2nd ed. (1976): 46-47.)A legitimate paraphrase:In research papers students often quote excessively, failing to keep quoted material down to a desirable level. Since the problem usually originates during note taking, it is essential to minimize the ...
When you quote a source, you have to introduce the quote, enclose it in quotation marks, and correctly cite it.
22、d. (1976): 46-47.)A legitimate paraphrase:In research papers students often quote excessively, failing to keep quoted material down to a desirable level. Since the problem usually originates during note taking, it is essential to minimize the material recorded verbatim (Lester 46-47).A ...
If you need to use an interesting word or phrase from the original text, usequotation marksto indicate that it is not your own. Cite the author, the source, and the date given in the text, to credit the owner of the quotation. Remember: Though the words of the paraphrase are your own...