How to paraphrase correctly Putting an idea into your own words can be easier said than done. Let’s say you want to paraphrase the text below, about population decline in a particular species of sea snails. Example: Source text “Like other marine animals living near heavily populated coasts...
Paraphrase Definition The word “paraphrase” has two definitions, depending on the part of speech it represents in the sentence. As a verb, “to paraphrase” means “to express the meaning of the writer or speaker (or something written or spoken) using different words, especially to achieve ...
How to paraphrase the word “healthy” in “healthy disagreements”? 参考答案:Reasonable. 点击查看答案
In this article, we explain how to paraphrase and how to summarize, and how to apply these techniques to text and the spoken word. We also explore the differences between the two skills, and point out the pitfalls to avoid. What Is Paraphrasing? When you paraphrase, you use your own wor...
How do we paraphrase? There are many techniques we can use,but essentially paraphrasing can involve three main features: 1.Changing word class(e.g. verbs to nouns) 2.Changing vocabulary(e.g. using synonyms) 3.Changing grammatical structure / word order(e.g. cause and effect;active to passi...
How_To_Paraphrase HowToParaphrase WhatisParaphrase Paraphraseis:•yourowninterpretationofessentialinformationandideasexpressedbysomeoneelse,presentedinanewform.•onelegitimateway(whenaccompaniedbyaccuratedocumentation)toborrowfromasource.•amoredetailedrestatementthanasummary 6StepstoEffectiveParaphrasing •Rereadthe...
It can be difficult to reword articles if you’re not used to paraphrasing, so this guide will help you get started. Work smarter with Grammarly The AI writing partner for anyone with work to do Get Grammarly How to paraphrase an article A paraphrase is a restatement of someone else’...
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You can ask an AI bot to write something for you, then copy it over into Word and continue to expand on it or edit it. However, AI draws most of its knowledge from online sources. As such, it might directly copy certain passages or paraphrase info from the web. Using the Word ...
Just write 1-2 sentences to say what your graph shows and for what period of time (if there is one).To do this, you need to paraphrase text from your task 1 question. Example of good introduction: Question: The graphs below give information about computer ownership as a percentage of ...