How to cite a paraphrase Once you have your perfectly paraphrased text, you need to ensure you credit the original author. You’ll always paraphrase sources in the same way, but you’ll have to use a different type ofin-text citationdepending on whatcitation styleyou follow. ...
Examples: MLA in-text citation Evolution is a gradual process that “can act only by very short and slow steps” (Darwin 510). Darwin explains that evolution “can act only by very short and slow steps” (510). Complete guide to MLA Citing a quote in Chicago style Chicago style uses Ch...
Consult the text to add in important details that previously you left out. Link your ideas to the paraphrased information to support your arguments in a unique way. The Four R’s of Paraphrasing To improve a paraphrase, be sure to review both your writing and the reference material multiple...
Place the parenthetical citation after your paraphrase, but put it in front of the ending punctuation. The formatting of the parenthetical citation, as well as what information to put in it, depends on whether you’re using APA, MLA, or Chicago styles. Each style has their own rules and ...
The in-text citation uses only the creator’s last name in parentheses. You don’t need to include a page number because the page number is already in the citation on the works cited page. (del Sarto) How to cite an image from a journal article in MLA format ...
In-text citations refer to the crediting of articles within the body of a work, separate from the reference page at the end of a document. An in-text citation comes after a paraphrase or a direct quote. For anyAPA in-text citationin your own paper, you must include a full citation in...
Citing the source is an important part of how you paraphrase another writer. After all, you are taking their ideas and putting them in your paper. Every citation style, from AP to MLA to Chicago, has a different way to give proper credit to a writer you’re paraphrasing. Your teacher sh...
Even when you paraphrase using your own terms, you still must provide in-text citations (according to the specificformatting requirements—APA, AMA, MLA, etc.). If you are quoting or paraphrasing your own previous work, treat it as another person’s work (i.e., you must still use quotat...
To indicate that you have paraphrased a chapter, cite the specific chapter in the in-text citation along with the author and year: Parenthetical: (Ghebreab & Heale, 2023, Chapter 2) Narrative: Ghebreab and Heale (2023, Chapter 2) ...
currently use capital punishment, rather than quoting the entire list, consider summarizing the list in the body of your essay: "Belarus, China, Israel, Japan, The United States and 15 other countries currently use capital punishment." Remember to use an in-text citation after all paraphrased ...