How to parameterize an odbc.query with a parameter restricted to a column from the same sql source ? 03-10-2022 08:28 AM Hello, I have defined a Power Query parameter called "MyParameter" whose values are restricted to a list "ListOfPossiblesValues" obtained by...
As per my analysis, I don't see a way to parameterize the whole connection string directly. But as a workaround you can store the complete connection string in Azure Key vault and and parameterize the azure key vault secret value in your Azure SQL linked service as shown below. Th...
So although parameterization helps performance and is the best safeguard against SQL injection (using string concatenation rather than parameters can allow nefarious users to inject addition SQL into your code), it's not always possible to parameterize everything. Where you set the value of your ...
For example, you can parameterize a customer list to display only customers in a certain city by adding WHERE City = @City to the end of the SQL statement that returns a list of customers.You create parameterized TableAdapter queries in the Dataset Designer, or during creation of data-bound ...
If you set your database's parameterization as forced, SQL Server will try to parameterize every query except the conditions documented But what about when your database's parameterization is set simple (default)? Our boo...
How to Parameterize Notebooks for Automation in Azure Data Studio Data Exposed Apr 23, 2021 Jupyter Notebooks bring a wonderful capability to hand someone a single file that contains both code, and instructions on how to run that code. This is great and can be used in many different...
How to Parameterize Notebooks for Automation in Azure Data Studio | Data Exposed By Marisa Mathews Published Apr 22 2021 09:00 AM 1,851 Views undefined Jupyter Notebooks bring a wonderful capability to hand someone a single file that contains both code, and instructions on h...
auto-parameterize? Because in that case, no enlargement will help. Everynew/unique query will get a cache miss.But here is the real question: does this Cache Hit Ratio give anyproblems? Or is it just for your peace of mind to have a Cache Hit Ratio...
In the code example above, I’m using the more selectivity view definition, but instead of specifying the order_total to be $100 or higher, I’m going to parameterize the value of the order. That way, we can reuse this SQL Table Macro regardless of what order_value is needed. You wil...
Using thehibernate.metadata_builder_contributorconfiguration property is the best way to register a SQL function with Hibernate, and you can parameterize the function so that you can pass it entity properties and even standard query parameters, as it’s the case of theUTCparameter we used when ca...