1432 -- 9:20 App (转载)怎么画肌肉How to paint CHAOS SKIN on miniatures 2267 1 17:11 App (转载)如何绘制这样的皮肤Layering versus Glazing - Miniature Painting Techniques Explained 255 -- 0:13 App 老鼠涂装展示 883 -- 14:36 App (转载)皮革木质感画法push Your Minis From Good to AWESOME...
155 -- 21:29 App How to paint the Glottkin 99 -- 19:37 App Build & Magnetize The Leviathan Siege Dreadnought_ Horus Heresy Warhammer 40k Un 121 -- 8:14 App KILL TEAM COMBAT GAUGE - Paint It For Your Favourite Chapter Or Faction! Warhamm 70 -- 12:48 App Painting Stunning Light...
Right. This is always going to be a scary prospect, whether you’re a collector or a gamer, painting your army’s Primarch (Konrad Curze for me), is a daunting task if you let it be one. Lets face it. You’re about to paint a single model that cost somewhere in the region of ...
In this article I will be discussing my style for how to paint gold, and my tips in painting my style of gold. Obviously, this being my first “tutorial”, I would appreciate any feedback on the layout and general appearance of this tutorial. I want to make these tutorials very easy t...
target toughness, to use the Warhammer 40K example. Wizkids has shied away from having any more mechanics than can be squeezed on to the dial (although they have done an admirable job of squeezing).I'm not a big fan of weapon damage going down as the character is wounded, for example....
I think its important playing Miniatures you like to paint with a fitting Backstory. If getting a warband, army, fleet, etc. ready for playing comes to you as a chore you probably wont have fun with that Project. For buying / building i would recommend doing the "must-haves" first. ...
This question gets asked a lot and it’s usually answered in sarcasm and vagaries. So, today I thought I would put an actual value to the question of how expensive is Warhammer 40K. This information will inevitably vary army to army, but the goal is to give a basic foundation of cost ...
As I said, this is very simple to do, so this tutorial will be pretty short. Load Your Brush Using a flat shaped brush ideally, though a round one works, load the paint about halfway up the bristles. Wip off the Excess Paint
Using washes when painting your miniatures can save you a ton of time. They’re great at quickly shading a model to give it depth, and it’s really easy to do. It’s perfect if you’ve got to batch paint a lot of stuff, or you just want to save some time. ...