Interior waterproofing for basement walls:In addition to exterior waterproofing, you should also treat damp walls from the inside. First dry the walls and remove any old plaster layers, then apply several layers of sealing slurry. If it’s not possible to waterproof your exterior wall, you can ...
Use a stool or stepladder to reach the ceiling. Make sure it’s secure and stable on the floor. You may need to ask someone to hold it for you. 5 Scrape away any paint in the mouldy area to expose mould that might be growing underneath it. 6 Apply your chosen cleaner. You’ll...
Use one of these three methods to remove moisture from walls: Ventilate the room daily to allow moisture to evaporate by opening the windows wide for 20 minutes Use a dehumidifier to draw out and capture the moisture Use anti-condensation paint on the walls to add an extra layer of insul...
no matter how good you are, will look shoddy and sad. Old stains will show through in a week or so. Specks of dust or tiny flakes of old paint will fail the smooth look and feel of the surface. So, this is how to wash walls before painting. ...
Since water is a gating factor for mold growth in side buildings, I would be looking for probable leak points in the ceilings walls or floors of the room. That might be a Plumbing Leak, a leak around a window, or leaks into an exterior wall from a roof leak or ice dam. When I hav...
I think scrubbing with the bleach solution is a good one, but then I would repaint with a special paint if possible. VISIT OUR HK HOT PROPERTIES SITE! cd 20 yrs ago We have 2 dehumidifiers going and heaters, but the walls are still going mouldy although not as bad as in previou...
I bought my house in August and when NY had the terrible rain storms in October I started to get some dampness and moistrure in one corner of the basement. Happens to be that my basement has cinder block walls with paneling about 10′ in front of the blocks (no sheet rock or insulatio...
Fixing a radon problem is not simple. It might be done by installing a special ventilation system that removes radon from the air in the basement. Also consider sealing cracks in the basement walls to prevent radon leakage from the soil into the foundations. ...
all the walls, door, ceiling. I plan to use my pressure washer to clean it then let it dry out for a few days then put it up for sale as I am selling my property and the new owner does not want the shed. What do I need to know and what type of safety wear do you recommend...