Bob Ross' son Steve Rosscould barely paint in the aftermathof his father's death in 1995. But now, he's back at the easel — teaching a new generation of happy painters. YouTubeSteve Ross inherited his heart of gold and love for painting from his father. Who inherited Bob Ross's fort...
One of the main brushes of the RossBob Set is the PAINT KNIFE. It is a very versatile paint, wet mix, and texture brush, which produces lots of “happy accidents” that can be used as natural structures for your scene. Use the PAINT KNIFE to paint some basic forms and define areas ...
From my place to Shelton, we have to drive through the quarters, so we’d better leave early to avoid the traffic. M: OK. No problem. It takes twenty minutes to reach your place, (16) so I’ll set off at 7:40. By the way, do you also need me to drive you home tomorrow aft...
Bookmark + Paint It and Glaze It with OPI Your Way for Spring 2024 byStaff The new OPI Your Way collection for Spring 2024 is a customizable palette of shimmery and glittery sheer glazes designed to layer over highly-pigmented crèmes....
byCorey Plante April 20, 2019 Imagine the soothing sounds ofBob Rossteaching you how to paint happy little trees, but instead it’s renowned comic book artist and illustrator Babs Tarr using digital tools to teach viewers how to draw theirDungeons & Dragonscharacters. ...
Found your site from YouTube and soooo glad I did. Years ago I painted in oils using Bob Ross techniques and I learned a lot. Wanted to paint again but not get into messy oils again. Figured acrylics was the way to go. Just used your free videos to paint my first ever acrylic! Tha...
How to make a Bob Ross costume Andy had most of his costume in his closet, the one thing we had to buy was abrown afro. I made him a painters pallet out of cardboard. I used a Sharpie to outline a bean shape, and cut it out with an XACTO knife. I made the paint palette out...
Bob Ross® Painting Classes - Rita is certified in the Bob Ross Wet-on-Wet Technique® and she can teach you to Paint-Like-Bob
paint supervisor (uncredited) (28 episodes, 2014-2016) Erin E. Riegel ... assistant art director (uncredited) (28 episodes, 2015-2017) Silvia Donati ... construction office coordinator (uncredited) (27 episodes, 2016-2018) Melissa Licht ... set dec buyer (uncredited) (16 episodes, 201...
Painting instructor/artist Bob Ross jubilantly holding up paint pallette & brushes as he stands in front of wall covered wth his landscape paintings in his studio. [Source Photo: Getty Images] 6 minute read When you think about the word “art,” what comes to mind? A child’s artwork pin...