Oil paints increase in transparency with age, even thick opaque colours. To test for yourself, make a few pencil or pen marks on a piece of scrap canvas or board, paint over them opaquely and then take a photograph to see the coverage; check back the next day and then the next week ...
2.You can’t use watercolour techniques. Because once the paint surface has built up watery paint just won’t behave the same. Some of the most interesting areas in paintings are from the mix of thin transparent paint with thick impasto. This can be key in portraits when trying to create ...
Knowing the date of the work helps us to gauge how it was made, and the degree of difficulty involved. For instance, landscapes produced before the popularity of photography (c.1860), or the appearance of collapsible tin paint tubes (1841), had a greater level of difficulty.Oil paintingprod...
Last summer I began to return to en-plein-air painting. At first, just watercolour. I would walk or bike to my location of choice. As my explorations expanded, using my bike created a great way to transport me and my equipment. I could easily get to remote landscapes, while my bike ...
Learn how to turn your own photo into paint by numbers for free without special software to make a masterpiece: DIY paint by numbers for adults!
I am so glad to have come across your site. I am working on an abstract right now in which I want to create a “dripping” effect with the paint. What medium would be the best to use in order to achieve this effect? Will Kemp March 30, 2015 Reply Hi Kelsey,’Tar Gel’ has a...
By painting an isolation coat,it provides an even sheen and a glass-like surface, so when you apply the final varnish, it will just glide on. It’s a bit like laying a thin glass sheet over the paint surface and then applying a varnish to the glass. ...
I am also very new in starting to develop my passion for paint, texture and color with acrylic painting and love your site and all the helpful information that you have provided! I have a question for you about preparing your canvas. If I am more interested in doing abstract art at the...