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Track lighting is an excellent accent lighting choice when you want to highlight several areas of your kitchen at once. When installing track lighting, you'll fasten a metal track to the kitchen ceiling and place several individual lights along the track. These lights adjust independently of each...
This is where light from outside is coming in from the bottom of the window and then hitting the top of the ceiling in the studio – reflecting light from the ceiling down into the space. If you’re trying to create a strong directional light effect, the reflected light from the ceiling...
There are three visible lights in this scene, as well as three lights on the wall (two Philips Hue spotlights in the ceiling angled towards the wall, and a Philips Huegradient stickbehind me. Sitting in front of the light stick obscures the light, creating a highlight around my head Here...
This example shows where just a bit too much was taken on all at once. The floor tile plus the shower tile, plus the wallpaper and the shiplap ceiling is a lot to take in visually in a small space. Individually these design elements could be really pretty, but I don’t love them ...
headers on all of the closets in the house and replacing the floor-to-ceiling doors with ones that are standard size. We got rid of the one remaining door that was left on this closet and will eventually add a header and new doors here as well. {Add that to Donnie’s “honey-do ...
Bug zappers are more of a band-aid solution as they only catch what they can, but don’t stop breeding cycles or further infestation of pests. But they can be used with another DIY solution to help when you’re trying to get rid of the infestation. ...
within 30 to 50 years we can expect short space-based holiday trips to become a reality. That could include astronaut-experience holidays to the Moon itself, with moon-buggy rides, space-suited excursions to explore craters and getting a very different holiday. Who’s for low-gravity volleyball...
and the duration of exposure. To avoid damage, paper should be displayed under the lowest practical light levels, and spotlights and picture lights should never be aimed directly at the art. Also, avoid placing artwork in places where it will be exposed to direct morning and afternoon sunlight...
electrophysiological responses. in this context, the videos are like the moving spotlights couzin uses with his shiners—and just as with the fish, berry finds emergent behaviors with the addition of more neurons. "whether the variable is direction, heading, or how you vote, you can map the ...