So long, summer! Hello, school. How to feed your kids' brainpower this year: A+ advice from top experts.
HOW TO: pack a-ok school lunchesBrechka, Nicole
When packed correctly, salads, like most school lunches, can stay fresh inside an insulated lunch bag for several hours. Refrigerating the salad greens as soon as they get home from the store is just as important as adding an ice pack to the lunch bag to keep the food cool. The USDA re...
McCord, the founder of the baby and toddler food blog,Weelicious, has a new cookbook called, Weelicious Lunches: Think Outside the Lunch Box With More Than 160 Happier Meals. She said she is on a mission to make sure that her children’s lunch boxes come home empty every day, and wants...
Whether your child has an actual allergy or sensitivity or just a real food diet that’s different than the standard American kid, what are you doing this school year to nourish their bodies and protect their health? More allergy-friendly lunches here!
If you’ve ever wondered how to pack chicken tenders for lunch, you’re in the right place! Learn how to keep them flavorful and fresh all day with the tips in this post. FREE School Lunchbox Builder Fun & interactive 3 page printable for school lunches. Take the stress out of packing...
"You're really giving them the skills for preparation for when they are on their own. It's a chance to show them how to budget and read food labels," Valentine explained. Parents can also set an example by packing healthy lunches for themselves and encouraging sit-down meals for the fami...
Several Cook Smarts members we spoke with mentioned that they like to batch school lunches to make prep easier. “We do 3 days’ worth on Sunday and then pack 2 more on Wednesday,” says Jessica F.J. Tara P. does the same, adding that she continued packing lunches a couple times a ...
Remember: It’s never too late! Even high-schoolers can take over the job. What if my kids don’t pack balanced lunches? I’m a Type A micromanager, so it takes GREAT strength for me not to fuss too much over what my kids pack. ...
Need some tips on how to pack a lunch for day camp that they’ll love? We’ve got ‘em! Keep them on their toes Camp isn’t like school. School lunches are filled with food to fuel their brain to help them learn and work hard. Camp lunches should be filled with food to fuel the...