How To Run Your Best Marathon Pace: You don’t need a watch, a heart rate monitor, a GPS system, or a gallon of Gu.
If you've ever found yourself out on a run and agonizing over whether you're going too fast or too slow, you're not alone. Knowing how to pace yourself is an acquired skill—and one handsomely rewarded with feel-good endorphins, a sense of accomplishment and sometimes a new finisher's ...
It can also help slow your breathing even as you pick up the pace, which can help to diminish the feeling of running out of breath. Technique 2: Control Your Breathing Cadence Once your awareness is on your breath, you can start to control the cadence of your breathing. Here’s how ...
Lay a foundation. Although a couch-to-marathon training plan may be tempting, you’ll be much better off if you put in at least a year of consistent running (often called “base mileage”) before trying to tackle 26.2 miles. One of the most common causes of injury in running is buildin...
Just got into the New York City Marathon? Congrats! Here’s what you should do right now to prepare for the big day in November.
The night before my last half marathon, as I was laying out my outfit and mentally preparing, I had a sudden freakout. Until that moment, I hadn't considered whether I'd be able to get my go-to pre-race breakfast—a bagel with peanut butter and banana—t
You cannot expect to become fit enough to run a marathon in two days, so keep increasing your mileage little by little. Don’t go all in all at once. A marathon plan can last anywhere from 2 months to a year. Pace yourself to several runs per week and try to do the first runs at...
Half Marathon Length Measured By Effort A half marathon is 21.1 kilometers long, so roughly like running a 10k race twice, with a little bit added at the end. So why do you run half marathons slower? The answer is that it’s harder to maintainrace pacewith increasingly longer distances,...
Watch running races, seek out pro runners who are competing at the top level of the sport, and see how they dedicate themselves to the sport of running," says Quigley. "Even if you're just doing it for fun, there's always something to learn from someone who is a professional in any...
This idea started for me on a December evening in 2011. I had just stepped outside to do our evening chores to feed our horses. I hopped into our tractor, and a few minutes later, a five foot tall, 700-pound ...