In Pittsburgh, some polling locations hit record-highs by noon, including in blue suburban pockets. Democrats hope to maintain or even improve on Joe Biden’s 2020 margins in a key county there. “If she does better than Biden in Allegheny County, I thin...
I used air miles and bitcoin to score a much coveted Christmas to New Year's suite at one of NYC's most celebrated new resorts. Spartan but spectacular, Rikers Island Correctional Facility offers impeccable views of the Manhattan skyline and easy access to nearby LaGuardia Airport. You won't...
The contents of your jacket need to be able to provide the necessities of survivaluntil you can reach a bug out location, cache, or your bug out bag. With the equipment in your bug out jacket, you should be able to build a shelter, make a fire, get water, and assist in other survi...
Not long after returning from the war, Matthews reacquainted himself with the Dallas underworld, where being an expert with a firearm guaranteed employment and respect. New Orleans prosecutor Jim Garrison once described Matthews as “a longtime heavy in the Southwest, having been linked with Benny ...
It is sad when police officers have to assume for their own safety that every citizen they accost on even the most routine matter may try to use a firearm on them Well, at least they are not afraid to defend themselves, uphold the law and the protect the citizens they are charged to ...
The ability of the citizens to overthrow their government went away about 100 years ago! The only reason to own a gun is because you like guns. There’s nothing wrong with that. The Second Amendment will protect you until the Supreme Court overrules the Heller decision in a couple decades...