Fertilize hardy mums in the spring and fall before the buds set. If you’re planting mums in fall that you intend to yank and compost once frost hits, don’t fertilize at planting time with anything. If you’re planting mums in fall that you intend to overwinter,...
The termsdisbud,spray, andpot momdistinguish the way these mums are commercially produced in the horticultural or floral industry. This information is included for you to have a clue as to how you may want to grow them in your garden!
Each variety has a different time at which they’re expected to bloom, going from late July until October’s end. There are only some mums that are cold-hardy. If yours are not, it’s best to plant them in potters so you can overwinter them where it’s safe from frost. If you ...
Mums arehardy perennialsbest planted in early spring. However, those pretty mums sold in garden centers as fall decorations are often best treated as annuals; do not try to overwinter them, as they weren’t bred to be hardy. Do Mums Come Back Every Year? Yes, if you plant a cold-hardy...
You can also dig a hole in the ground and set the plant — nursery pot and all — into the soil to help it survive cool nights. Most garden mums should be able to endure a light fall frost. Cover the plants at night when freeze warnings are in effect. ...
Japanese anemone plants overwintering in the garden will die back in cold weather. They benefit from a 2-inch layer of mulch. In the spring, gardeners should remove old foliage before growth begins anddeadhead the flowersin fall. The 12 Best Pruning Shears to Keep Your Garden in Check ...
The drought-tolerant yucca plant is a striking, Southwest-inspired addition to any full-sun garden. By Lynn McAlpine Lynn McAlpine Lynn McAlpine is a lifelong gardener and long-time editor of gardening and home articles. Her work encompasses both print publications and online sites. She has ha...
Fertilize hardy mums in the spring and fall before the buds set. If you’re planting mums in fall that you intend to yank and compost once frost hits, don’t fertilize at planting time with anything. If you’re planting mums in fall that you intend to overwinter, give plants a high-ph...
Fertilize hardy mums in the spring and fall before the buds set.If you’re planting mums in fall that you intend to yank and compost once frost hits, don’t fertilize at planting time with anything. If you’re planting mums in fall that you intend to overwinter, give plants a high-phos...