Fuchsia are a bit of a bug magnet, so I cut off their leaves and water the roots just enough to keep them living. In spring, they will start up again with fresh new growth and be in bud when it is time to go back outside. The cymbidium produces its first flower stalk as soon as...
Overwintering Common Pests & Plant Diseases How to Get Azaleas to Bloom Common Problems With Azaleas Frequently Asked Questions Close Photo: ooyoo / Getty Images Rhododendrons and azaleas are arguably one of the Southern gardener's favorite shrubs. Many people think of them as entirely...
If cabbage suddenly starts to flower, this is caused by temperatures of 40 to 50°F for three or four weeks; this may happen to cabbages that are overwintered. Red cabbage growing suggestions Cabbage is known for splitting before it matures. This may be a watering issue. Red cabbage is le...
Container-grown plumerias will need repotting as they grow. Don’t plant a small one-foot-tall shrub in a ten-gallon container. The roots won’t be able to adequately use the moisture in the soil, and wet, soggy conditions could result. Instead, upgrade one pot size each time. Overwint...
If you have mums that aren’t hardy or that you didn’t get around to planting soon enough, then overwinter them under cover. Either plant them in an outdoor cold frame in late autumn or put them in pots so that you can take them indoors. ...
mums last for between 4 and 8 weeks. Each variety has a different time at which they’re expected to bloom, going from late July until October’s end. There are only some mums that are cold-hardy. If yours are not, it’s best to plant them in potters so you can overwinter them wh...
The Christmas cactus has become a recent favorite of Christmas plants. It’s a succulent houseplant with petals that bloom in a kaleidoscope of colors, including cream, fuchsia, pink, red, and white. Plan to water every 2 to 3 weeks, but only water when the top one-third of the soil ...