I created two subplots within the same figure, each displaying one of the images with its corresponding colormap and colorbar. We also link the color limits of the colorbars to ensure consistency in color mapping. You can adjust the positions and sizes of colorbars ...
In Matlab, if we plot a variable and after that, we plot another variable, the second variable will overwrite the first variable. To solve this problem, we have to use thefigurecommand. Thefigurecommand is used to initialize a figure. For example, if we want to plot two variables on two...
However, i want to plot the red dotted curve which is inside the subplot to just above the subplot which i have shown in the attached figure. Can someone please help me with this? 댓글 수: 1 Chaya N 2016년 10월 24일 Do you mean that you want to plot the dotted red ...
1. You can use the “uitab” function in MATLAB which helps to create tabbed panels. Below is an example snippet for using “uitab” for making plots in different panels: % Create a figure to hold the tabbed panel fig = figure(); % Create a tab group tabGroup = uitabgroup(fig);...
Next, the functions are plotted sequentially using the plot() function. The first plot() command plots f(x) in red with a solid line, while the second plot() command plots g(x) in blue with a dashed line. The hold on and hold off commands are used to overlay subsequent plots without...
thank you for your answer but the thing is that I don't want two different plots with different y axis. I already do have the plot as you can see in the figure and I want the red dots that I showed to represent a specific number on the right y axis and as you see, the right ...
The new parent must be appropriate for the copied object (for example, you can copy an axes only to figure or uipanel), this is why you cannot directly copy one 'figure object' to another figure. As a work-around, you might find the following MATLAB Answer suitable ...
I also understand how to obtain a plot of a variable in the worskpace of matlab by simply clicking the plots tab. However, since I am running my simulink model multiple times and obtaining the same variable data set each time, I find that my data from the past run gets overridden. Is...
Are there 2 axes, or 2 lines in one axes? If you have two axes: uou need the handles of the second axes to clear it with cla.But
how to overlay the image with contour plot in... Learn more about 1, overlay Image Processing Toolbox