I am trying to overlay two sets of data, one with pixels as x axis and the other wavenumbers. I have tried the tiled layout and they work beautifully in MatLab, however, when exporting these graphs as images only one of the plots is exported/copied. Is...
I am not good with Matlab, so I really need your help! How is it possible to overlay those two pictures in a live video stream? Thank you for your answers. Regards, Nils. 댓글 수: 0 댓글을 달려면 로그인하십시오. ...
I have two datasets one is New_SDN : x*y*z (lat, lon, data1) and another one is no2regrid : x*y*m (lat, lon, data2). Datasets are having only one time frame. no2regrid have one of 4 categorical values (1/2/3/4)in every grid. I want to find no2regrid dataset - ...
I have a geographical map image on which I want to overlay a 3D bar which indicate some magnitude/abundance data at certain coordinates. I have managed to stack them together using hold on command in MATLAB, but this is what I get. Questions: 1. how to make the base of the bar graph...
how to overlay the image with contour plot in... Learn more about 1, overlay Image Processing Toolbox
Abrir en MATLAB Online @Pablo Meseguer Esbri, thanks for the nice comment. You can now use xline and yline instead of line to draw lines in the overlay. It will be simpler code. I'm pretty sure you don't even need to put hold on if you use xline and yline. ThemeCopy [rows, ...
MATLAB Answers How do I put different plots on the same figure on Curve fitting tool application 1 个回答 plotting two curves 1 个回答 how to create a surf plot for {x, y, z} where z is also a vector, thanks all! 1 个回答
I have created a subvolume within a bone to quantify bone volume. Now, I would like to be able to visualize this subvolume within the original volume (ideally in 3D space). I decided to first attempt to overlay only one slice which makes this a 2D problem. I used the imfuse() and ...
I can plot all together even if they are different in length. But I want an overlay of all graphs and compare peaks, and stuff... therefore they need the same length. Regarding the interpolation: what do you mean with "xi(end)" Then I ll try and let you know. Thanks so far... ...
One further Question though. Is it possible to drag the lines? With your solution it is possible to change the rectangle by clicking a certain coordinate. It would be more convenient for the user to just click the existing line and drag it.