I created two subplots within the same figure, each displaying one of the images with its corresponding colormap and colorbar. We also link the color limits of the colorbars to ensure consistency in color mapping. You can adjust the positions and sizes of colorbars...
should be possible by using the hold command, enabling you to create more than one plot in the...
By numbering your figure, when you change the value of XNP to 5 from 4, the new line will be overlap the plot generated when XNP = 4. Make sure that you do not close the plots generated when XNP = 4. A better method would be to modify your code so that XNP is a vector of...
Dear MATLAB Experts, I have a query to overlap two maps extracted from two methods. I have attached.mat fileandmaps obtained (map1.jpg, map2.jpg), anda reference imagewhere two maps are overlapping. I need to overlap them with different colors, as given in reference map given belo...
Ran in: Hi, I'm new in Matlab world and I try to combine multiple plot using subplot, but when I run it, out of 15 graphs, only 7 graphs appear to me and I can't figure out what I wrote wrong. Here is the code: % -For the sampled signal given by the relation (2), let ...
I have checekd the MATLAB syntaxes about the shapley value plots, but the examples didn't help me figure out how I can sketch a shapley summary plot similar to the attached image. Can you please help me out? In python, you can useshaplibraries to understand how much each input variable...
Overlap = 0.75; w = hanning(NFFT); % Hanning window / Use the HANN function to get a Hanning window which has the first and last zero-weighted samples. %% notch filter section %%%%%% % H(s) = (s^2 + 1) / (s^2 + s/Q + 1) fc = 50; % notch freq wc = 2*...
Is there a way to calculate an average hull from a group of N-dimensional outlines/hulls? I'd be grateful for any pointers in a helpful direction; my googling has so far been unsuccessful. My real data has is in a 6-dimensional space, but here I'm trying to solve the...
The legend is placed using the loc argument, similar to how it is placed inside an axes, but in reference to the whole figure - hence it will be outside the axes somewhat automatically. What remains is to adjust the subplots such that there is no overlap between the legend and the axes...