Consuming information to stay informed is good. But it’s also important to recognize when you’re reaching a level of information consumption that is overwhelming you (or is about to / is starting to). For most of us, there is a very small amount of information that is necessary com...
You want to react in a better way, but your thoughts are on a treadmill, and you cannot get off. Life can get overwhelming pretty fast when you cannot pay attention to anything else but the fact that you were cheated on. You need relief from your thoughts, and you need it fast. Do ...
While depression can feel overwhelming and permanent, there are multiple ways individuals can try to manage depression symptoms. Therapy, medication, exercise, relaxation techniques, or a combination of methods may help you manage your depression symptoms and regain a positive life outlook and interest ...
Negative feelings can be overwhelming and all-consuming, making it hard to focus on anything else. But here's the thing - we don't have to let those negative vibes take over our lives. As students, it's crucial that we learn how to manage and overcome negative emotions so that we can...
Somethingoverwhelming is very intense and hard to deal with: overwhelming events make people worried and stressed out. It's hard to overcome overwhelming things. If you feel an overwhelming need to laugh, you're probably going to laugh. If you have an overwhelming feeling of sadness, you'll ...
Hendel explains that when confronted with overwhelming emotions such as fear, sadness, and shame, the brain reacts in one of two ways. It develops defensiveness that manifests in outward aggression (bullying behavior), or it dissociates the mind from the body. ...
While many people have thedesireto get things decluttered and organized in their homes, it is not always such an easy thing to accomplish. Decluttering can often be a very time consuming, overwhelming, and emotionally draining experience . I’m sure most of us don’twantto live in a clutt...
If you notice that your symptoms are not getting better and arebeginning to interferewith aspects of your day-to-day life, it may be time to get help. If you decide to start therapy, finding a qualified mental health provider can be an overwhelming and stressful task. Fortunately, there ar...
One of the most difficult things to go through is losing a close friend. Coping with grief’s anguish can be overwhelming, and you may feel a variety of unpleasant and perplexing emotions, ranging from shock and disbelief to remorse and even fury. This, in turn, may have an impact on yo...
How to implement it: Schedule time for activities that soothe and nourish you—whether it’s 10 minutes of meditation, a relaxing bath, or reading a book you love. Example: A person struggling with an overwhelming schedule realized that setting aside 15 minutes for self-care daily helped them...